Friday, July 17, 2009

Mechanisms of Disease: An Introduction to Clinical Science

Stephen Tomlinson, "Mechanisms of Disease: An Introduction to Clinical Science"
Cambridge University Press 2008-04-21 0521818583 340 p PDF 13.4 Mb

To reflect the changing face of undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, this new edition emphasises the principles of disease processes and their underlying mechanisms, bringing the content up to date with the latest developments from the fields of molecular and cellular biology. The focus is on describing the fundamental features of pathophysiological processes with examples to illustrate the similar mechanisms underlying apparently diverse clinical conditions. By understanding the cellular interactions in one disease area, similar principles can be applied to other disease groups and to the scientific basis of medical management and treatment strategies. Throughout, the student is encouraged to evaluate and integrate the evidence critically, developing skills for self-directed learning and the application of knowledge. To further encourage the reader to integrate the theory with clinical practice, each chapter concludes with a series of clinical scenarios and MCQs, with answers provided.

Encyclopedia of Mind Enhancing Foods, Drugs and Nutritional Substances

David Group, "Encyclopedia of Mind Enhancing Foods, Drugs and Nutritional Substances"
McFarland & Company ISBN 0786408537 2000-12-15 221 Pages PDF 1 Mb

It seems as though every day brings a new pill or potion claiming to restore mental alertness or improve memory. While many of these claims are based on factual information, many others are not. This encyclopedia of foods and drugs that are believed to improve mental performance contains information on nearly 400 nutrients, herbs, and drugs, ranging from ancient plant compounds to the latest pharmaceuticals. Entries are arranged by type of substance, such as foods, vitamins, minerals, spices, and medical drugs. Each entry contains information such as alternate names and forms, sources, results, side effects, precautions, and recommended dosage. Although readers are encouraged to consult with their doctors before diagnosing and treating themselves, this book provides crucial, factual, and unbiased information on the "miracle drugs" that many people believe can solve health problems from fatigue to Alzheimer's. Readers can discover for themselves the properties of each substance. A complete index allows for easy reference and help with alternate names, food and drug interactions, and symptoms.


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Pharmaceutical Microbiology

Pharmaceutical Microbiology
A textbook for undergraduate pharmacy students and for microbiologists entering the pharmaceutical industry, introducing the aspects of general microbiology that impinge on that industry. Covers the biology of micro-organisms, antimicrobial agents, and microbial aspects of pharmaceutical processing. First published in 1977 and updated from the 1992 edition with new chapters on vaccination and immunization to act as a link to updated material on the principles of immunity and the production of immunological products. The chapter on antibiotic assays did not make the cut, because so few development have taken place in the field that the coverage in previous editions was deemed sufficient. Other chapters have been enlarged, streamlined, or rewritten by new authors to reflect current conditions.

Prescription and Non-prescription Drugs

Revised and updated, this classic bestseller provides the necessary information about all the prescription and nonprescription drugs that the public has come to rely on. With revised information on new FDA regulations, this reference covers 5,000 brand names and 700 generic names.
Product details

AuthorGriffith, H. Winter
Publication Date11/2006
RolesGriffith, H. Winter : Author
FormatTrade Paperback
RolesMoore, Stephen W. : Revised by
SubjectDrug Guides

Medicinal Chemistry of Bioactive Natural Products by Xiao-Tian Liang

Medicinal Chemistry of Bioactive Natural Products by Xiao-Tian Liang (Editor), Wei-Shuo Fang (Editor)[REPOST]
Publisher: Wiley (March 10, 2006) ISBN: 0471660078 PDF 5,3 Mb 460 pages

Medicinal Chemistry of Bioactive Natural Products provides a much-needed survey of bioactive natural products and their applications in medicinal chemistry. This comprehensive reference features articles by some of the world's leading scientists in the field on discovery, structure elucidation, and elegant synthetic strategies-developed for natural products-with an emphasis on the structure activity relationship of bioactive natural products. The topics have been carefully chosen on the basis of relevance to current research and to importance as clinicially useful agents.

Rather than attempting to be a comprehensive encyclopedia of bioactive natural products, Medicinal Chemistry of Bioactive Natural Products guides the reader to the key developments in the field. By providing not only practical detail but a historical perspective on the chemistry and biology of the compounds under consideration, the book serves as a handy resource for researchers in their own work developing pharmaceuticals, and as an inspiring introduction for young scientists to the dynamic field of bioactive natural products research.

Enhanced by examples with updated research results, the discussion covers such topics as:
* The chemistry and biology of epothilones
* Vancomycin and other glycopeptide antibiotic derivates
* Antitumor and other related activities of Taxol and its analogs
* The antimalarial properties of the traditional Chinese medicine, Quinghaosu (artemisinin)
* Huperzine A: A natural drug for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
* The medicinal chemistry of ginkgolides from Ginkgo biloba
* Recent progress in Calophyllum coumarins as potent anti-HIV agents
* Plant-derived anti-HIV agents and analogs
* Chemical synthesis of annonaceous acetogenins and their structurally modified mimics



Concepts In Clinical Pharmacokinetics

Concepts In Clinical Pharmacokinetics
Publisher:American Society of Health-System Pharm Pages:230 2005-10-30 ISBN:1585281247 CHM 2.1 MB

Programmed manual presents basic pharmacokinetic concepts and procedures. Material relates to individualization of drug dose regimens. Topics include pharmacokinetics, half-life, elimination rate, AUC, two-compartment models, drug elimination process, vancomycin, and more. For pharmacists and practitioners. Softcover. DNLM: Pharmacokinetics-Programmed Instruction.

Essentials of Pathophysiology for Pharmacy

Essentials of Pathophysiology for Pharmacy
Publisher:CRC Pages:248 2002-08-28 ISBN:1587160366 PDF 3.4 MB

This textbook stresses topics in pathophysiology that are most pertinent to students pursuing degrees in pharmacy. It is designed to provide students with a clear rationale for the use of a specific drug in selected disease states. The text is also supplemented with "Key Term" boxes that provide clear definitions of medical and physiologic terms. Drug boxes throughout the text provide a concise synopsis of selected drugs associated with the particular disease state, including generic and class names, routes of administration, major side effects and contradictions. Numerous tables and charts are also offered to expand upon and summarize key elements as are questions, study objectives, and diagnostic tools boxes are included.

Melmon and Morrelli's Clinical Pharmacology

Melmon and Morrelli's Clinical Pharmacology
Publisher:McGraw-Hill Medical Pages:1433 2000-05-25 ISBN: 0071054065 CHM 14.6 MB

* Perfect for the student, primary care practitioner, and pharmacist who needs both basic and clinical information to apply therapeutics.
* A new overview chapter--plus practical steps required for optimal therapeutic decisions.
* Coverage of newly emerging advances in therapeutics.
* A new look at cost/benefit analysis of therapy.
* Increased emphasis on drug interactions, and much more.

Comprehensive Pharmacy Review NAPLEX Preparation

Fifth Edition
by Leon Shargel

Comprehensive Pharmacy Review contains over 1,000 NAPLEX®-format questions from the best-selling Comprehensive Pharmacy Review, Sixth Edition and Comprehensive Pharmacy Review Practice Exams, 5th Edition.

All questions in Comprehensive Pharmacy Review reflect the latest progress in pharmacy education and practice.


NAPLEX Blueprint

Part I: Pharmaceutical Sciences

  1. Drug Product Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  2. Pharmaceutical Calculations and Statistics
  3. Pharmaceutical Principles and Drug Dosage Forms
  4. Biopharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems
  5. Extemporaneous Prescription Compounding
  6. Basic Pharmacokinetics
  7. Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
  8. Functional Group Chemistry and Biochemistry
  9. Microbiology
  10. Immunology
  11. Biotechnology Drug Products
  12. Principles of Pharmacodynamics and Medicinal Chemistry
  13. Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology: Drugs Affecting the Nervous System
  14. Autocoids and Their Antagonists, Nonnarcotic Analgesic—Antipyretics, and Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
  15. Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology: Cardiovascular and Diuretic Drugs
  16. Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology: Endocrinology and Related Drugs
  17. Drug Metabolism, Prodrugs and Pharmacogenetics
  18. Drug-Drug and Drug-Nutrient Interactions
  19. Nuclear Pharmacy

Part II: Pharmacy Practice

  1. Pharmaceutical Care and Disease State Management
  2. Drug Information Resources
  3. Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting
  4. Medication Errors
  5. Clinical Toxicology
  6. Federal Pharmacy Law
  7. Reviewing and Dispensing Prescription and Medication Orders
  8. Sterile Products
  9. Parapharmaceuticals, Home Diagnostics, and Medical Devices
  10. OTC Otic, Dental and Ophthalmic Agents
  11. OTC Dermatological Agents
  12. OTC Weight Control, Sleep Aids, and Smoking-Cessation Aids
  13. OTC Agents for Fever, Pain, Cough, Cold and Allergic Rhinitis
  14. OTC Agents for Constipation, Diarrhea, Hemorrhoids and Heartburn
  15. OTC Menstrual, Vaginal and Contraceptive Agents
  16. Herbal Medicines and Nutritional Supplements
  17. Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
  18. Drug Use in Special Patient Populations: Pediatric, Pregnant, and Geriatric
  19. Clinical Laboratory Tests
  20. Coronary Artery Disease
  21. Cardiac Arrhythmias
  22. Hypertension
  23. Heart Failure
  24. Thromboembolic Disease
  25. Infectious Diseases
  26. Seizure Disorders
  27. Parkinson's Disease
  28. Schizophrenia
  29. Mood Disorders
  30. Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  31. Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  32. Hyperuricemia and Gout
  33. Peptic Ulcer Disease and Related Acid-Associated Disorders
  34. Diseases of the Bowel: Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  35. Diabetes Mellitus
  36. Thyroid Disease
  37. Renal Failure
  38. Cancer Chemotherapy
  39. Pain Management
  40. Nutrition and the Hospitalized Patient
  41. Immunosuppressive Agents in Organ Transplantation
  42. Outcomes Research and Pharmacoeconomics


Size: 96 Mb

PDF - the whole book taken by a scanner - I hope it may help

ON4 PaRts

Thanks a lot For that .. May Allah Bless You

Pharmacology for the Health Care Professions

Pharmacology for the Health Care Professions
Publisher:Wiley Pages:376 2008-12-10 ISBN:0470510188 PDF 1.2 MB

Pharmacology for the Health Care Professions is an accessible introduction to the pharmacology necessary for health care professionals training to be non-medical prescribers looking for an overview of the subject. The book covers the pharmacology necessary for accredited training programmes in non-medical prescribing and certification in access and supply of prescription-only medicines and will be useful as an ongoing reference for future use in practice.

Opening with a general introduction to pharmacology as a science, the book goes on to explain what is meant by drugs and medicines and why pharmacology should be of relevance to health care professionals. The reader is presented with general principles of pharmacology followed by systemic pharmacology that covers the actions of important groups of drugs in common use to treat diseases and conditions of the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, musculoskeletal, skin and central nervous systems. The physiology and pathophysiology relevant to the understanding of how these drugs work is included.

Finally the book explores the law in relation to the sale, supply, administration and prescription of drugs and explains what is meant by non-medical prescribing. All aspects of non-medical prescribing are considered including the use of exemptions to the Medicines Act, patient group directions, supplementary prescribing and the development of independent prescribing for nurses and pharmacists.

Pharmacology is explained in simple, easy to understand terms and the book avoids any unnecessary chemistry where possible. Case studies that are of particular relevance to health care professionals are used throughout to illustrate the importance of the pharmacology major body systems and pathologies and the potential problems of adverse drug reactions and drug-drug interactions.






The Third Edition of this successful book has been revised and updated to include the latest advances in the field. It incorporates new topics such as prescription event monitoring, general practice research database, and drug utilization review.

  • Provides an American and European perspective.
  • The authors are renowned in the field.

Dictionary of Pharmacoepidemiology

Written by an internationally renowned authority in the field, this is the most complete dictionary devoted specifically to the terms currently used in pharmacoepidemiology. The use of
clear and consistent terminology in science has never been more important, and this dictionary, which has been translated from the third edition of a French original, has been reworked to include suggestions made by pharmacoepidemiologists currently using existing versions. It contains revised definitions for nearly all established terms in addition to comprehensive descriptions of new terms and is well illustrated with practical examples. This outstandingly high-quality dictionary will be essential for all those whose work is within or touches upon this field: regulatory authorities, pharmaceutical physicians, lawyers, pharmacists, researchers, evaluators and students.

Download Link:

Global Pharmaceutical Marketing: A Practical Guide to Codes and Compliance

Worldwide, there are varying Codes of Practice/Conduct for the pharmaceutical industry that ensure the industry self-regulates to promote the appropriate use of medicines by operating in a professional, ethical and transparent manner and ensuring high standards.The aim of this book is to aid the understanding of the many pharmaceutical Codes of Practice/Conduct throughout the world. It contains an overview of the guidelines for the promotion of pharmaceutical products in all geographical areas.Each section includes a "general overview" providing a discussion on that particular Code of Practice and differences/similarities with other countries.


AHFS Drug Information.....the 2008

First published in 1959, the "Big Red Book," as it's come to be known, has gone the extra mile for pharmacists and healthcare professionals seeking answers to the most detailed questions. It provides more extensive evidence-based data than any other drug reference. AHFS DI is the only reference free from the influence of manufacturers, insurers, regulators, and other special interests, giving you an unbiased source of drug information.

if messages about scripts error bother you try this:first define the drug you want, than click on + to open all subfolder which lie in the medicine name direction, than click on + near folder Document Body Date - and choose AFHS Drug InformationB(2008) - if you will work in such way you will recieve only one message about error.

Pharmacotherapy in Primary Care

William Linn, Marion Wofford, Mary Elizabeth O'Keefe, L. Michael Posey "Pharmacotherapy in Primary Care"
McGraw-Hill Medical 2008-09-21 ISBN: 0071456120 544 pages PDF 3,6 MB

A complete single-source guide to drug therapeutics for primary care
Pharmacotherapy in Primary Care gives you a uniquely balanced, all-inclusive look at drug therapies for all the conditions commonly seen in primary care and clinical pharmacy -- from cardiovascular to nutritional disorders.
The book's diverse authorship -- comprising both physicians and pharmacists -- ensures that content is delivered in the most complete, relevant, and impartial way possible. Ideal for use at the point of care, this handy resource is conveniently organized by disorder and utilizes a standard template for therapeutic decision-making.
A high-yield, systematic review of the clinical literature that informs pharmacotherapy interventions.
Specific recommendations that optimize drug therapy for each disorder covered in the book.
Helpful treatment algorithms to speed clinical decision-making.
Evidence-based summaries that present the book's insights within the highly practical context of evidence-based medicine .
Important emphasis on identifying the variables that go into initial drug therapy decisions--plus key issues related to long-term monitoring, contingency planning, and referral

Encyclopedia of Molecular Pharmacology

A fully updated second edition of a classic, now in two volumes. It provides rapid access to information on molecular pharmacology for research scientists, clinicians and advanced students. With the A-Z format of over 2,000 entries, around 350 authors provide a complete reference to the area of molecular pharmacology. The book combines the knowledge of classic pharmacology with the more recent approach of the precise analysis of the molecular mechanisms by which drugs exert their effects. Short keyword entries define common acronyms, terms and phrases. In addition, detailed essays provide in-depth information on drugs, cellular processes, molecular targets, techniques, molecular mechanisms, and general principles.

The Art of Drug Synthesis

The Art of Drug Synthesis illustrates how chemistry, biology, pharmacokinetics, and a host of other disciplines come together to produce successful medicines. The authors have compiled a collection of 21 representative categories of drugs, from which they have selected as examples many of the best-selling drugs on the market today. An introduction to each drug is provided, as well as background to the biology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and drug metabolism, followed by a detailed account of the drug synthesis.

  • Edited by prominent scientists working in drug discovery for Pfizer
  • Meets the needs of a growing community of researchers in pharmaceutical R&D
  • Provides a useful guide for practicing pharmaceutical scientists as well as a text for medicinal chemistry students
  • An excellent follow-up to the very successful first book by these editors, Contemporary Drug Synthesis, but with all new therapeutic categories and drugs discussed.

Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery, 6 Volume Set, 6th Edition


Here >> Volumes from 1 to 5 only .. trying to find 6

This new sixth edition of Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery offers several new and unique features. For the first time, an online version of this major reference work will offer updated content from the print edition and easy access. For the first time, all volumes are structured entirely according to content and published simultaneously to provide broad coverage of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery for new or experienced medicinal chemists, biologists, pharmacologists and molecular biologists. This includes a current and global perspective of drug design, and drug development.With expanded content from 69 chapters to over 100 chapters, this sixth edition of Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery includes more than 50% new material. An entire section has been dedicated to cancer research. Areas included are those at the foreground of life science including:* Proteomics* Genomics* Bioinformatics* Combinatorial Chemistry* High-Throughput Screening* Blood Substitutes* Allosteric Effectors as Potential Drugs* COX Inhibitors* Statins* High-Throughput Pharmacology* and More.The new sixth edition of Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery is a Memorial Edition to Professor Alfred Burger who published this major reference work in the first edition as "Medicinal Chemistry" in two volumes in 1951. Dr. Burger's research focused on analgesics, antidepressants and chemotherapeutic agents. He is one of the few academicians to have a drug, designed and synthesized in his laboratories and brought to market. Dr. Burger's contribution to the fields of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery are well renowned and documented. He received the Louis Pasteur Medal of the Pasteur Institute and the American Chemical Society Smissman Award.


Structure Based Drug-Design
History of Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships
Recent and Developing Trends in QSAR: From Data Analysis and Model Validation to Drug Design and Discovery
Molecular Modeling in Drug Design
Drug-Target Binding Forces: Advances in Force Field Approaches
Combinatorial Library Design, Molecular Similarity and Diversity Applications
Virtual Screening
Docking and Scoring Functions/Virtual Screening
Chemical Information Computing Systems in Drug Discovery
X-ray Crystallography Drug Discovery
Electron Microscopy of Biological Macromolecules
Design of Peptidomimetics
Approaches to the Rational Design of Enzyme Inhibitors
Chirality and Biological Activity
Structural Concepts in the Prediction of the Toxicity of Therapeutical Agents
Natural Products as Leads for New Pharmaceuticals
Analog Design
NMR and Drug Discovery
Mass Spectrometry and Drug Design
Combinatorial Chemistry and Multiple Parallel Synthesis
Highthroughput Screening for Lead Discovery
High Throughput Pharmacology
The Application of Recombinant DNA Technology in Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery
Oligonucleotide Therapeutics
Therapeutic Agents Acting on RNA
Carbohydrate Based Therapeutics
Membrane Transport Proteins and Drug Transport
Allosteric Proteins and Drug Discovery
Receptor Targets in Drug Discovery and Development
Large Scale Synthesis
Principles of Drug Metabolism
Metabolic Considerations in Prodrug Design
Retrometabolism-Based Drug Design and Targeting
Drug Discovery: The Role of Toxicology
Drug Absorption, Distribution, and Elimination
The FDA and Regulatory Issues
Intellectual Property in Drug Discovery and Biotechnology
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors
Physicochemical Characterization and Principles of Oral Dosage Form Selection
Cardiac Drugs: Antianginal, Vosodilators, Antiarrhythmic
Diuretics and Uricosuric Agents
Myocardial Infarction Agents
Endogenous Vasoactive Peptides
Hematopoietic Agents
Anticoagulatns, Antithrombotics and Hemostatics
Antihyperlipedemic Agents
Oxygen Delivery via Allosteric Effectors of Hemoglobin, Blood Substitutes, and Plasma Expanders
Sickle Cell Anemia
Iron Chelators and Therapeutic Uses
Thyroid Hormones and Thyromimetics
Male Sex Hormones, Analogs, and Antogonists
Anti-inflammatory Steroids
Female Sex Hormones, Contraceptives & Fertility Drugs
Fundamentals of Steroid Chemistry and Biochemistry
Peptide and Protein Hormones, Peptide Neurotransmitters, and Therapeutic Agents
Inhibitors of Gastric Acid Secretion
Chemokines and Cytokine Modulators
COX Inhibitors and Leukotriene Modulators
Agents Acting on Prostanoid Receptors
Life Style and Over-the-Counter Agents
Microarrays and Gene Expression Profiling Applied to Drug Research
SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Pharmacogenomics
Gene Therapy with Plasmid DNA
Insulin and Hypoglycemic Agents
Molecular Biology of Cancer
Synthetic DNA-targeted Chemotherapeutic Agents and Related Tumor-Activated Prodrugs
Antitumor Natural Products
Radiosensitizers and Radioprotective Agents
Synthetic Anti-angiogenic Agents
Future Strategies in Immunotherapy
Selective Toxicities
Drug Resistance in Cancer Chemotherapy
Antiviral Agents, DNA
Antiviral Agents, RNA (Viruses other than HIV), Orthopoxviruses
Rationale of Design of Anti-HIV Drugs
Organ Transplantation Drugs
Synthetic Antibacterial Agents
Lactam Antibiotics
Tetracyclines, Aminolycoside, Macrolide, and Miscellaneous Antibiotics
Antimycobacterial Agents
Antifungal Agents
Antimalarial Agents
Antiprotozoal Agents
Anthelmintic Agents
Andrenergics and Andrenergic Blocking Agents
Anticholinergic Drugs
CNS Stimulants
Sedatives and Hypnotics
Antianxiety Agents
Antipsychotic Agents
Investigative Agents for use in Neurodegenerative Conditions
Therapeutic and Diagnostic Agents for Parkinson's Disease
Alzheimer's Disease: Search for Therapeutics
Cognition Enhancers
Drugs to Treat Eating and Body Weight Disorders


Vol 1 burgers medicinal chemistry.pdf
Vol 2 burger textbook of medicinal chemistry.pdf
Vol 3-burger medicinal chemistry.pdf
Vol 4-burger medicinal chemistry.pdf
Vol 5-burger medicinal chemistry.pdf

Innovation in the Biopharmaceutical Industry

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company
Number Of Pages: 150
Publication Date: 2007-05-29
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 9812706607
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9789812706607
Binding: Paperback

Product Description:

Innovation is at the heart of all advances and has the capacity to solve problems facing humanity. Societies which have turned away from innovation and technological development have failed in their ability to support their populations. Understanding the nature of innovation in the life sciences and in particular healthcare, how it operates, what enables and hinders it is therefore of great importance to meeting the challenges ahead. This book, originally and concurrently published in the International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2007, offers the latest research and insights concerning innovation in the biopharmaceutical industry. 371040...L_INDUSTRY.pdf

Plant Secondary Metabolites: Occurrence, Structure and Role in the Human Diet

Alan Crozier "Plant Secondary Metabolites: Occurrence, Structure and Role in the Human Diet"
Wiley-Blackwell 2006-12-11 ISBN: 1405125098 384 pages PDF 9 MB

Plant Secondary Metabolites: Occurrence, Structure and Role in the Human Diet covers the main groups of natural products from a chemical and biosynthetic perspective with illustrations of how genetic engineering can be applied to manipulate levels of secondary metabolites of economic value as well as those of potential importance in diet and health. These descriptive chapters are augmented by chapters showing where these products are found in the diet, how they are metabolized and reviewing the evidence for their beneficial bioactivity.

Textbook of Pharmacoepidemiology (2007)

Textbook of Pharmacoepidemiology
Publisher: Wiley Language: English ISBN: 0470029250 518 pages Data: 2007 PDF 3 Mb

Description: The Textbook of Pharmacoepidemiology provides a streamlined text for evaluating the safety and effectiveness of medicines. It includes a brief introduction to pharmacoepidemiology as well as sections on data sources, methodology and applications. Each chapter includes key points, case studies and essential references.

* One-step resource to gain understanding of the subject of pharmacoepidemiology at an affordable price
* Gives a perspective on the subject from academia, pharmaceutical industry and regulatory agencies
* Designed for students with basic knowledge of epidemiology and public health
* Includes many case studies to illustrate pharmacoepidemiology in real clinical setting

FASTtrack: Managing Symptoms in the Pharmacy

Alan Nathan, “FASTtrack: Managing Symptoms in the Pharmacy”
Pharmaceutical Press 2007-11-30 ISBN: 0853697272 233 pages PDF 2,05 MB

This is a revision guide for students giving bullet points of basic information on managing symptoms in the pharmacy."Fast Track" is a new series of indispensable revision guides created especially for undergraduate pharmacy students.The content of each title focuses on what pharmacy students really need to know in order to pass exams, providing concise, bulleted information, key points, tips and an all-important self-assessment section which includes MCQs, case studies, sample essay questions and worked examples."The Fast Track" series provides the ultimate lecture notes and is a must-have for all pharmacy undergraduate students wanting to revise and test themselves for forthcoming exams.Covering all common ailments, organized by system in alphabetical order, this book provides all the essential information needed for managing symptoms presented in the pharmacy.A Fast Track website will also be live at time of publication and will include MCQs, and samples.

BioNanotechnology 2007

BioNanotechnology by Elizabeth Papazoglou
Morgan and Claypool Publishers ISBN 1598291386 2007-08-21 PDF 139 Pages 4.6 MB

This book aims to provide vital information about the growing field of bionanotechnology for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as working professionals in various fields. The fundamentals of nanotechnology are covered along with several specific bionanotechnology applications, including nanobioimaging and drug delivery which is a growing $100 billions industry. The uniqueness of the field has been brought out with unparalleled lucidity; a balance between important insight into the synthetic methods of preparing stable nano-structures and medical applications driven focus educates and informs the reader on the impact of this emerging field. Critical examination of potential threats followed by a current global outlook completes the discussion. In short, the book takes you through a journey from fundamentals to frontiers of bionanotechnology so that you can understand and make informed decisions on the impact of bionano on your career and business.


0.1 Bionanotechnology: A Historical Perspective
0.2 Nanotechnology and Bionanotechnology
0.3 Notable Nanoimages in Bionanotechnology
0.3.1 AFM-Qd
0.3.2 Nano-drug Delivery Chip
0.3.3 Atomic Force Microscopy Image (AFM) of SWNT
0.3.4 Scanning Electron Microscopy Image (SEM) of SWNT
0.4 Opportunities and Challenges of Bionanotechnology
0.5 Growth potential of Nanotechnology and Related Expenditures

1. The Significance of Nano Domain
1.1 Limitations of Micron Size
1.2 Need for Nano-Size—Surface Volume Ratio Significance
1.3 Significance and Key Features of Nano-Size
1.4 Derivation of Bohr’s Atomic Radius of a Hydrogen Atom
1.5 Comparison of Particle Behavior at Nano-Size to Macro Size: Gold and Titania
1.6 Advantages of Scaling Down—Nano-Size

2. Nano Drug Delivery
2.1 Conventional Drug Delivery
2.1.1 First Pass Effect
2.1.2 Routes of Delivery
2.2 Targeted Drug Delivery
2.3 Chemistry of Drug Delivery Vehicles
2.3.1 Nanocapsules
2.3.2 Unilamellar Liposomal Vesicles
2.3.3 Nanoparticles
2.3.4 Microemulsions
2.4 Delivery Profiles
2.4.1 Rate-Preprogrammed Drug Delivery Systems
2.4.2 Activation-Modulated Drug Delivery Systems
2.4.3 Feedback-Regulated Drug Delivery Systems
2.4.4 Site-Targeting Drug Delivery Systems
2.5 The Role of Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery
2.5.1 Transdermal
2.5.2 Blood Brain Barrier
2.6 Advantages of Targeted Drug Delivery Systems

3. BioNanoimaging
3.1 Quantum Dots
3.2 Ultrasound Contrast Agents
3.3 Magnetic Nanoparticles

4. Successful Applications of Bionanotechnology
4.1 Nanostructures and Nanosystems
4.1.1 Nanopore Technology
4.1.2 Nano Self-Assembling Systems
4.1.3 Cantilevers
4.1.4 Nanoarrays
4.2 Nanoparticles
4.2.1 Quantum Dots (QDs)
4.2.2 Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Crystals
4.2.3 Dendrimers
4.2.4 Carbon Nanotubes
4.2.5 Nanosomes and Polymersomes
4.3 In Vitro Diagnostics
4.4 Medical Application of Nanosystems and Nanoparticles
4.4.1 Drug Delivery Applications
4.4.2 Nanoparticles in Molecular Imaging
4.5 Summary and Conclusions

5. Synthesis of Gold, Titania, and Zinc Oxide
5.1 Synthesis of Gold
5.1.1 Background
5.1.2 Brust Method of Synthesis of Thiol Derivatized Gold NPs by Biphasic Reduction
5.1.3 Gold Colloids
5.1.4 Gold Nanofilm
5.1.5 Gold Nanorods
5.2 Synthesis of Titania Nanostructures
5.2.1 Background
5.2.2 Solvo-Thermal Synthesis of Titania Nano Crystals
5.2.3 Sol-Gel Template Synthesis of Titania Nano Tubes and Rods
5.2.4 Overview of Other Synthesis Methods
5.3 Synthesis of Zinc Oxide
5.3.1 Background
5.3.2 The Solid-Vapor Synthesis of ZnO
5.1.1 Brust Method of Synthesis of Thiol Derivatized Gold NPs by Biphasic Reduction
5.2.1 Solvo-Thermal Synthesis of Titania Nano Crystals
5.2.2 Sol-Gel Template Synthesis of Titania Nano Tubes and Rods
5.2.3 Overview of Other Synthesis Methods
5.3.1 The Solid-Vapor Synthesis of ZnO: Horizontal Tube Furnace
5.3.2 Wurtzite Structure of ZnO

6. Is Bionanotechnology a Panacea?
6.1 Background
6.2 Primary Concerns
6.3 Assessing Potential Risks
6.3.1 Inhalation
6.3.2 Contact/Dermal Delivery
6.3.3 Other Routes of Contact
6.3.4 Environmental Impacts of NPs and the Food Chain
6.3.5 Explosion Hazards
6.4 Lessons from the Past
6.5 Conclusion

7. Roadmap to Realization of Bionanotechnology
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Nano Vision: the Futuristic Goals of Bionanotech
7.3 Working toward Realization: Current Progress
7.4 Screenshot of Reality: Bionano-Unbiased/Uncensored
7.5 The Nano Mission: Roadmap to Realization of Translation Research
7.5.1 Bionano in the US
7.5.2 Bio-Nano in Japan
7.5.3 Bio-Nano in UK
7.5.4 UK–Japan Joint Initiative for Bionanotechnology
7.5.5 The EU Initiative in Bionanotech
7.5.6 Bionano in Asia

European Pharmacopoeia, 4th edition

The European Pharmacopoeia is a single reference work for the quality control of medicines in Europe. Several legal texts make the European Pharmacopoeia mandatory:A Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia ratified in 2003 by 31 European countries and the European Union; European Union directives 2001/83/EC and 2001/82/EC,on medicines for human use and for veterinary use, respectively, maintain the mandatory character of European Pharmacopoeia specifications on medicines as regards their qualitative and quantitative composition and the tests to be carried out on these medicines, the raw materials used in production and the intermediates of synthesis. All producers of medicines or substances for pharmaceutical use therefore must apply the quality standards of the European Pharmacopoeia for the marketing and use of these products in Europe. The texts of the European Pharmacopoeia are legally binding and compliance is enforced by the administrative or juridical authorities. The national authorities of the member states are bound to apply them if necessary replacing any national monograph on the same subject.

The 4th Edition consists of an initial volume 2002 (4.0) and a collection of 8 non-cumulative supplements (4.1) published three times a year following the decisions of each session of the European Pharmacopoeia Commission. With supplement 4.6, the 4th Edition comprises 1750 specific monographs, 285 general methods illustrated by figures or chromatograms and 2140 reagents. Every 4 months a new volume enters into force.

The Merck Index: An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals

The Merck Index is a one-volume encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals that contains more than 10,000 monographs. Each monograph in this authoritative reference source is a concise description of a single substance or a small group of closely related compounds.

Compounds included:

1- human and veterinary drugs

2- biotech drugs and monoclonal antibodie

3- substances used for medical imaging

4- biologicals and natural products

5- plants and traditional medicines

6- nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals

7- agriculturals, pesticides and herbicides

8- Organic chemicals used in research

9- Food additives and supplements

10- dyes, colors and indicators

11- environmentally significant substances

Information provided:

1- chemical, common and generic names

2- Over 15,000 trademarks and associated companies

3- CAS Registry Numbers for over 12,000 compounds

4- Over 8,500 chemical structures

5- molecular formulae, weights and percentage composition

6- capsule statements identifying compound classes and scientific significance

7- scientific and patent literature references

8- physical and toxicity data

9- therapeutic and commercial uses

10- caution and hazard information

In addition, there are more than 700 new and completely revised monographs, thousands of new references, trademarks and uses added to existing monographs. Now includes a companion CD-ROM which features 989 monographs no longer available in print, organic name reactions, supplemental tables and a new user interface for user-friendly searching.

Features of the CD:

  • Searchable by keywords, references, and numerical properties
  • Search the complete contents of the 14th edition, plus nearly a thousand monographs archived from previous editions
  • Comes with a free one-year subscription to the Merck Index Internet Edition
  • Windows-compatible CD powered by CambridgeSoft's ChemFinder
  • Extensively revised supplemental tables now including acronyms, vaccines, and physical constants
  • More than 70 pages of hard to find information in one easy-to-use place

FREE Download Links: 5 PARTS

Pharmaceutical Perspectives of Nucleic Acid-Based Therapy

Ram I. Mahato, Sung Wan Kim "Pharmaceutical Perspectives of Nucleic Acid-Based Therapy"
CRC 2002-06-27 ISBN: 041528385X 568 pages PDF 7,3 MB

Pharmaceutical Perspectives of Nucleic Acid-Based Therapy presents a comprehensive account of gene therapy, from development in the laboratory to clinical applications, with an emphasis on cancer and cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases. Internationally acclaimed scientists discuss the potential use of lipids, peptides and polymers for the in vivo delivery of nucleic acids, the genesis of structure-synthesis-function interrelationships and the evolutionary approaches of these gene carriers. The book also addresses the influence of a viable gene expression system on disease by controlling gene regulation, transcription, translation and replication.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Remington The Science and Practice of Pharmacy


The Science and Practice
of Pharmacy
Twenty First Edition

For over 100 years, Remington has been the definitive textbook and reference on the science and practice of pharmacy. This Twenty-First Edition keeps pace with recent changes in the pharmacy curriculum and professional pharmacy practice.

More than 95 new contributors and 5 new section editors provide fresh perspectives on the field. New chapters include pharmacogenomics, application of ethical principles to practice dilemmas, technology and automation, professional communication, medication errors, re-engineering pharmacy practice, management of special risk medicines, specialization in pharmacy practice, disease state management, emergency patient care, and wound care.

Purchasers of this textbook are entitled to a new, fully indexed Bonus CD-ROM, affording instant access to the full content of Remington in a convenient and portable format.

A must-have resource for all in the pharmaceutical industry!


I. Orientation

  1. Scope of Pharmacy
  2. Evolution of Pharmacy
  3. Ethics and Professionalism
  4. The Practice of Community Pharmacy
  5. Pharmacists in Industry
  6. Pharmacists in Government
  7. Pharmacists and Public Health
  8. Information Resources in Pharmacy and the Pharmaceutical Sciences
  9. Clinical Drug Literature
  10. Research

II. Pharmaceutics

  1. Metrology and Pharmaceutical Calculations
  2. Statistics
  3. Molecular Structure, Properties, and States of Matter
  4. Complex Formation
  5. Thermodynamics
  6. Solutions and Phase Equilibria
  7. Ionic Solutions and Electrolytic Equilibria
  8. Tonicity, Osmoticity, Osmolality, and Osmolarity
  9. Chemical Kinetics
  10. Interfacial Phenomena
  11. Colloidal Dispersions
  12. Coarse Dispersions
  13. Rheology

III. Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  1. Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  2. Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  3. Natural Products
  4. Drug Nomenclature—United States Adopted Names
  5. Structure-Activity Relationship and Drug Design
  6. Fundamentals of Medical Radionuclides

IV. Pharmaceutical Testing, Analysis and Control

  1. Analysis of Medicinals
  2. Biological Testing
  3. Clinical Analysis
  4. Chromatography
  5. Instrumental Methods of Analysis
  6. Dissolution

V. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

  1. Separation
  2. Powders
  3. Property-Based Drug Design and Preformulation
  4. Solutions, Emulsions, Suspensions and Extracts
  5. Sterilization
  6. Parenteral Preparations
  7. Intravenous Admixtures
  8. Ophthalmic Preparations
  9. Medicated Topicals
  10. Oral Solid Dosage Forms
  11. Coating of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms
  12. Extended-Release and Targeted Drug-Delivery Systems
  13. The New Drug Approval Process and Clinical Trial Design
  14. Biotechnology and Drugs
  15. Aerosols
  16. Quality Assurance and Control
  17. Stability of Pharmaceutical Products
  18. Bioavailability and Bioequivalency Testing
  19. Plastic Packaging Materials
  20. Pharmaceutical Necessities

VI. Pharmacodynamics

  1. Diseases: Manifestations and Pathophysiology
  2. Drug Absorption, Action and Disposition
  3. Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
  4. Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
  5. Principles of Immunology
  6. Adverse Drug Reactions and Clinical Toxicology
  7. Pharmacogenomics
  8. Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics in Drug Development

VII. Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Agents

  1. Diagnostic Drugs and Reagents
  2. Topical Drugs
  3. Gastrointestinal and Liver Drugs
  4. Blood, Fluids, Electrolytes and Hematological Drugs
  5. Cardiovascular Drugs
  6. Respiratory Drugs
  7. Sympathomimetic Drugs
  8. Cholinomimetic Drugs
  9. Adrenergic Antagonists and Adrenergic Neuron Blocking Drugs
  10. Antimuscarinic and Antispasmodic Drugs
  11. Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
  12. Diuretic Drugs
  13. Uterine and Antimigraine Drugs
  14. Hormones and Hormone Antagonists
  15. General Anesthetics
  16. Local Anesthetics
  17. Antianxiety Agents and Hypnotic Drugs
  18. Antiepileptic Drugs
  19. Psychopharmacologic Agents
  20. Analgesic, Antipyretic, and Anti-inflammatory Drugs
  21. Histamine and Antihistaminic Drugs
  22. Central Nervous System Stimulants
  23. Antineoplastic Drugs
  24. Immunoactive Drugs
  25. Parasiticides
  26. Immunizing Agents and Allergenic Extracts
  27. Anti-Infectives
  28. Enzymes
  29. Nutrients and Associated Substances
  30. Pesticides

VIII. Pharmacy Practice

Fundamentals of Pharmacy Administration

  1. Applications of Ethical Principles to Practice Dilemmas
  2. Technology and Automation
  3. The Patient: Behavioral Determinants
  4. Patient Communication
  5. Patient Compliance
  6. Drug Education
  7. Professional Communications
  8. The Prescription
  9. Providing a Framework for Ensuring Medication Use Safety
  10. Poison Control
  11. Drug Interactions
  12. Extemporaneous Prescription Compounding
  13. Nuclear Pharmacy Practice
  14. Nutrition in Pharmacy Practice
  15. Pharmacoepidemiology
  16. Surgical Supplies
  17. Health Accessories

Social, Behavioral, andEconomic, and Administrative Sciences

  1. Laws Governing Pharmacy
  2. Re-engineering Pharmacy Practice
  3. Pharmacoeconomics
  4. Community Pharmacy Economics and Management
  5. Product Recalls and Withdrawals
  6. Marketing Pharmaceutical Care Services
  7. Documenting, Billing, and Reimbursement for Pharmaceutical Care Services
  8. Pharmaceutical Risk Management
  9. Integrated Health Care Delivery Systems

Patient Care

  1. Specialization in Pharmacy Practice
  2. Pharmacists and Disease State Management
  3. Development of a Pharmacy Care Plan and Patient Problem-Solving
  4. Ambulatory Patient Care
  5. Self-Care
  6. Diagnostic Self
  7. Preventive Care
  8. Hospital Pharmacy Practice
  9. Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Practice
  10. Long-Term Care
  11. Aseptic Processing for Home Infusion Pharmaceuticals
  12. The Pharmacist's Role in Substance Use Disorders
  13. Complementary and Alternative Medical Health Care
  14. Chronic Wound Care



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Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology

Presenting authoritative and engaging articles on all aspects of drug development, dosage, manufacturing, and regulation, Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology, Third edition enables the pharmaceutical specialist to keep abreast of developments in this rapidly evolving and highly competitive field.

A dependable reference tool and constant companion for years to come, the Third Edition offers completely new entries that cover critical issues in the field such as the impact of genomics, biotechnology, and implants on drug discovery, targeting, delivery, and formulation.

In addition, it addresses new regulatory issues, such as the changes in advertising regulations, and emerging FDA procedures.

Bringing together acknowledged leaders from every specialty related to pharmaceutical technology, this Third Edition:

  • stands as an indispensable and single-source reference at the forefront of pharmaceutical technology and research
  • keeps pharmaceutical professionals and researchers at the cutting-edge of their disciplines with more than 70 NEW entries on topics of utmost importance in the field including advances in systems validation, processing techniques, patent issues, noninvasive drug delivery, and the commercialization of drugs and dosage forms
  • provides a comprehensive overview of most specialty and subspecialty topics relating to the research, manufacture, marketing, and use of pharmaceuticals
  • offers a reader-friendly and timely collection of references to the pharmaceutical market
  • contains an abundance of articles on pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, analytical chemistry, quality assurance, drug safety, and manufacturing processes

Completely new and revised chapters of the Third Edition include:

  • 21 CFR Part 11 Revisited
  • Adsorption at Solid Surfaces - Pharmaceutical Applications
  • Alternative Medicines
  • Amorphous Pharmaceutical Systems
  • Bioavailability of Drugs and Bioequivalence
  • Biotechnology and Biological Preparations
  • Biotechnology-Derived Drug Products: Formulation Development
  • Biotechnology-Derived Drug Products: Stability Testing, Filling, and Packaging
  • Bio-validation of Steam Sterilization
  • Buffers, Buffering Agents, and Ionic Equilibria
  • Calorimetry in Pharmaceutical Research and Development
  • Capsules, Hard
  • Capsules, Soft
  • Clinical Supplies Manufacture: GMP Considerations
  • Cocrystallization
  • Cold Chain Distribution of Pharmaceuticals
  • Computer Systems Validation
  • Continuous Processing of Pharmaceuticals
  • Corrosion of Pharmaceutical Equipment
  • Crystal Habit Changes and Dosage Form Performance
  • Crystallization: Significance on Product Development, Processing, and Performance
  • Dendrimers
  • Dissolution and Dissolution Testing
  • Dressings in Wound Management
  • Drug Delivery - Pulsatile Systems
  • Drug Delivery across the Blood-Brain Barrier
  • Drug Delivery Systems: Neutron Scattering Studies
  • Drug Information Systems
  • Drug Master Files
  • Drug Transporters
  • Dry Powder Aerosols, Emerging Technologies
  • Electrical Power Systems for Pharmaceutical Equipment
  • Electrochemical Detection for Pharmaceutical Analysis
  • Electrostatic Charge in Pharmaceutical Systems
  • European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA)
  • Extractables and Leachables in Drugs and Packaging
  • Fast-Dissolve Drug Delivery Systems
  • Film Coating of Oral Solid Dosage Forms
  • Fine Particle Processing Techniques in Pharmaceutics
  • Fluid Bed Processes for Forming Functional Particles
  • Forced Degradation Studies
  • Formulation Patent Issues
  • Fractal Geometry in Pharmaceutical and Biological Applications - A Review
  • Freeze Drying, Scale-Up Con
  • Gastro-Retentive Systems
  • Gelatin-Containing Formulations: Changes in Dissolution Characteristics
  • Genetic Aspects of Drug Development
  • Genetic Materials as Pharmaceuticals
  • Handling Hazardous Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
  • Headspace Oxygen Analysis in Pharmaceutical Products
  • Hydrogels
  • Implantable Biomedical Devices
  • IV/IC Correlation
  • Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)
  • Liquid Oral Preparations
  • Materials of Construction for Pharmaceutical Equipment
  • Melt Processes for Oral Solid Dosage Forms
  • Metabolite Identification in Drug Discovery
  • Microbiologic Monitoring of Controlled Processes
  • Microencapsulation Technology
  • Milling of Pharmaceuticals
  • Molecular and Cellular Approaches to Lead Optimization in Pharmaceutical Development
  • Nanoparticle Engineering
  • Needle-Free Drug Delivery
  • Neural Computing and Formulation Optimization
  • Noninvasive Protein and Peptide Delivery
  • Nonprescription Drugs
  • Nutraceutical Supplements
  • Oligonucleotides: Bioanalytical Techniques
  • Packaging Systems: Compendial Requirements
  • Particle Engineering
  • Particle Size Control during Crystallization. Patents - International Perspective
  • Peptides and Proteins - Nasal Absorption
  • Pharmacogenomics and Genomic Technologies
  • Pharmacokinetics: Effects of Food and Fasting
  • Pilot Plant Design
  • Pilot Plant Operation
  • PK/PD Modeling and Simulations in Drug Development
  • Polymeric Delivery Systems for Poorly Soluble Drugs
  • Polymers in Transdermal Delivery Systems
  • Population Pharmacokinetics
  • Powder Sampling
  • Preformulation Studies on Drugs
  • Proteomics, Pharmaceutical Applications
  • Quality Assurance of Pharmaceuticals
  • Quality Systems Management
  • Radiolabelling of Pharmaceutical Aerosols and Gamma Scintigraphic Imaging for Lung Deposition
  • Rheology of Pharmaceutical Systems
  • RNAi in Drug Development

Fiedler Encyclopedia of Excipients

Fiedler Encyclopedia of Excipients: For Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and Related Areas
Publication Date: 2002-01 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 3871932337 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9783871932335
Binding: Unknown Binding
Publisher: Editio Cantor
Publication Date: 2002-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 3871932337
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9783871932335

ON 2 PARTS 90 mb 81 mb

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